We change lives. One individual at a time. And in the same way, we’re going to change society.
That is our purpose as an organisation. Every day, PeoplePlus changes lives. One million people and counting! One customer at a time. One life at a time. And we are not stopping here. We’re successful because we have built teams of people truly committed to having a positive impact on other people’s lives.
Our Vision is for a society where every individual is able to reach their full potential, regardless of their background or circumstances.
Our Mission is to lead the way in making this future a reality: working directly and indirectly for those who need support and with those who can support, to ensure that every organisation in our society strives to increase the value it brings to that society, to our communities and to the lives of the individuals in them. We lead the way in creating social value.
We have a defined way of working, with our four trademarks explaining how we go about things and how we act as an organisation:
- True North – We always operate with high ethical standards, keeping a sense of our ‘True North’, even when no-one is watching. We are the best version of ourselves, all the time, in everything we do
- Own It – We always take personal accountability for everything we do, including any issue we come across, owning it until it is fixed and seeking help when we need it
- Improve to be the best – We want to be the best at what we do for our clients, customers, service users and learners. That means we have a passion to keep learning and improving. We never accept second best
- Customer First - Helping our customers
improve their lives is our ‘why’. Seeing things from their point of view and
delivering the customer experience they deserve is how we start to make a
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