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Looking for a Course?

Discover our wide range of courses, available across a variety of subject areas

Whether you're looking to take the next step in your career or train in new field, we have an extensive range of online and face to face courses that can help you achieve this.

Many of our qualifications are nationally recognised. We work with a variety of awarding organisations to ensure that our qualifications are delivered to a high standard for all our customers.

For our face to face courses you can find out more here. We have lots of incentives available to those who sign up this month!

For an online course, simply select a course below to be taken to our LearningPlus website where you can view the course detail and purchase. 



Customer Service

Digital Skills & Safety By developing better digital skills, employees have a chance to contribute to their communities, future-proof their careers, and explore a wide range of professional opportunities.


Your career is likely to involve many different job roles and employers, and even if you stay in the same job it is likely to change its nature over time. Therefore, employability skills are useful as they are transferable; you can adapt them to whichever situation you find yourself in.

Courses to get you started

Food Safety

Health and Safety

Our Health and Safety qualifications cover the key areas that you are legally required to be trained in to keep the workplace safe.

Courses to get you started

Health and Social Care

Leadership and Management

Managers are crucial to businesses because they are responsible for making sure that operations run smoothly. A strong sense of leadership requires managers to lead by example, motivate and plan effectively.

Courses to get you started

Manufacturing and Engineering

Sales & Business Development

Whether you're joining the workforce or transitioning to a sales career, it's important to understand the qualities needed to improve your sales and business skills.

Courses to get you started


Transport and Logistics

Our courses are for people with limited experience in the logistics and transport sector, who are keen to get a good grounding in place for their career. The courses will help you to build a strong foundation of key skills and knowledge, so you can achieve success in entry-level transport and logistics jobs.


Course listing

Showing 1 - 0 of 0 courses.

We offer both face to face and online courses. To discover our face to face courses in England, click here. If you're in Wales, click here and if you're in Scotland, click here
