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SRAG Members go from strength to strength with their Social Value goals.

share April 24, 2024Posted by: Sarah

Mark Comerford receives SRAG Gold Charter Mark on behalf of Openreach

The Social Recruitment Advocacy Group, (SRAG) convened by PeoplePlus in 2022, is chaired by the Rt.Hon Anne Milton and is focused on a collective ambition - to address societal challenges and needs via the social value building power of social recruitment. 

The SRAG Charter is the key mechanism supporting this work, and we are showcasing the members who have received their Charter Marks to date. The Charter Mark is an objective, evidenced symbol of how much social value the organisation is  creating, evidence they share in a detailed and collaborative assessment process between their key representatives and SRAG social value and social recruitment specialists. 

So not only have the companies below engaged their leadership in joining this progressive group, but they done so in line with the ethos of the SRAG - to commit to accountability, potentially beyond their comfort zone, to take strategic action towards their social value building goals. They understand that to find out where they want to go, they first need to know where they are.  

They have thrown themselves into the completion of the assessment process for receiving their charter marks, many within weeks of activating their memberships. 

Today's fast moving list includes: 

The SRAG Charter mandates a level of transparency for members that may have been unfamiliar in relation to social value. It is this bold action that is driving change and benefitting more people facing disadvantage in the labour market.  These businesses are openly investing in policies, projects and people that will benefit society. Doing so requires vision, adaptability and drive. Each level, whether Bronze, Silver, Gold or Ambassador, shares equal value as the starting point with the SRAG - it is what each member then does with its new understanding that really sets this group apart. 

The drive to continuous improvement in social value creation underpins the pre-launch of the Social Recruitment Covenant, which is set to launch following a parliamentary briefing session later this year, buoyed by the amazing support of SRAG member businesses, specialist partners and third sector organisations who all want to see social recruitment at the heart of employment policy in the UK. 

If you would like to know more, please email us at [email protected] 

share April 24, 2024Posted by: Sarah
